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Craftsman 16" Direct Drive Scrollsaw


5“ pin-end scroll saw blades


Scrollsaws are typically used in one or more of the following circumstances:

  • Cuts are in the interior of a workpiece (holes). In this case, you would typically drill a hole big enough to feed the scrollsaw blade through, then reconnect the blade, make your cut, disconnect the blade and pull it back out of the piece.
  • A very clean cut is needed. The scroll saw tends not to produce a lot of blowout (splintery cuts). By contrast, the jig saw, which would be a comparable saw in many regards, tends to produce very rough cuts.
  • Very tight curves are needed. Scroll work is a science/art in and of itself. A whole field of woodworking exists around scroll saws and their handtool cousins, the fret saw. These are usually intricate, ornamental pieces. A scrollsaw will cut a tigher curve than either a bandsaw or jigsaw.

The manual for this tool, including directions on changing blades, is here.

scroll_saw.txt · Last modified: 2017/10/03 18:56 by glassgiant